
Summer 2020 Update

It's time for another update. Long story short, I'm moving to Unreal Engine 4. I like to develop homemade game engines and frameworks. So of course it was clear to start with that way too. But in order to reach the market and get the game at somewhat releasable state, I understand that I cannot develop my own engine. Developing game engine takes such long time compared to using another feature rich engine even though the feature set should be reasonably small. Also I'm bit of perfectionist when it comes to frameworks and the game engine code, so most of the development time is spent of refactoring. In my current engine, I already got simple editor, physics implementation, basic model importing and level game state saving working pretty good. The goal of this project is to create vehicle simulator with plausible physics simulation and have focus on track racing. But currently developing the game engine takes too much time away from that. Thus I came to the conclusion in the

Hello Physics

I have now implemented the bullet physics engine which will be the base for the car simulator physics. I will use 100% custom tire physics, but the rigid body engine will be the bullet physics engine. The bullet physics engine also features FEM based soft-body deformables which could make interesting case for future damage implementation. Next up, I'm going to start working on the in-game editor which will make tinkering with the physics much more intuitive. I need to create a simple car model too.

Hello World

This is start of a development blog where I will describe my journey of developing a car simulation game with focus on racing. I've started to create a game engine base for the simulator and I have already implemented some graphical features such as limited Physically Based Material system, realistic sky and shadows. Currently I'm integrating simple physics by using bullet physics library. For tire simulation method I'm still researching a good one, but I'm looking for "physical" model rather than empirical. The goal of this project is to create simple, fun and relatively realistic car racing simulation game.